The Lightning Process®
A proven option for those experiencing chronic illnesses like fatigue, pain, anxiety or depression and Long Covid
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What is the Lightning Process®?
"The changes I see in my clients who train in the Lightning Process® are phenomenal as they learn to be sustainably well again, and the research, together with my own experience, supports this". Jenny Oliver.
The Lightning Process® training (LP), teaches people to adjust the messaging throughout their brain and body and to fire and wire up useful, new neural pathways, to repair and reset all the systems in the body.
The LP is based on the studies in psychoneuroimmunology, being the link between the central nervous system, endocrine system and immune system and the brain-mind-body connection.
During this interactive workshop, your presenter Jenny Oliver will provide an inspiring, fresh and practical approach to patient/client management.
Learning Objectives:
This interactive workshop will provide a fresh new look at health options for chronic illness, and you will learn:
- The WHY: Why the Lightning Process ® works and why it is relevant to you, your patients and practice? Who is it for and not for?
- The HOW: How to apply neuroplasticity, language and brain techniques to overcome illness.
- The WHAT: Techniques you can use to enable, empower and give hope to yourself and others achieve better health outcomes.
- A practical strategy for changing habitual, non-useful patterns into new ones for energy, health and wellbeing
- The EVIDENCE: The latest research on the LP, including Randomised Controlled Trials.
Who Should Attend
This introductory level workshop to the Lightning Process ® is suitable for GP's, health care and mental health professionals (psychiatrists & psychologists), counsellors, social workers and other caring professionals wanting to support their clients to get 'unstuck' by influencing their own health, emotions and body by using techniques based on the way the brain and body interact.
This training is also suitable for those experiencing fatigue, pain, anxiety or depression or illnesses such as Long Covid themselves.
The Lightning Process can assist with both physical ailments and behavioural issues of varying scales and seriousness. No matter how severe your client's condition, or for how long they have suffered, the Lightning Process gets results, improves wellbeing and gets them to where they want to be in life.
NOTE - If your organisation is interested in having Jenny present face-face to your team as a private workshop, please contact Faye Johnson for more information.
What others have said about Jenny's workshops
Dr David Doig MD
Hawkes Bay based David Doig has practiced as a GP for 20 years, and in the last five of those, he has referred a dozen patients to The Lightning Process. Of those, most have been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome – a condition he describes as “devastating in terms of its effect on people. It’s a physical illness that frequently renders patients incapable of doing their normal job, participating in family life, being able to exercise and so on.”
Of those 12, 11 have had positive results. “They have become more confident in managing their illness and, for the majority, participating in The Lightning Process typically marks a turning point for them, from what seems like a progression into loss of life’s enjoyment, to regaining control and starting a recovery process.” The 12th patient, he concedes, “felt it gave them no benefit at all”.
Doig says the controversy around the training comes from it sounding “a bit magic and strange” as well as there being few scientific trials to prove its effectiveness, or otherwise. “It’s impossible to run a randomised control trial vs placebo for a technique like The Lightning Process,” he says. “Individually targeted therapies are very difficult to gather evidence for – participants either know they’re doing it, or know they’re not. And anecdotal evidence doesn’t carry a lot of sway in the medical community.”
But, he says, the proof for him is patients whose lives have improved after completing the training.
“That’s because the brain can, in fact, influence your immune system and hormone systems and potentially you can start to heal problems that have perhaps become ingrained. Your internal and external language can shape the structure and function of the brain. From my perspective as a clinician, if you can afford it and if I know it’s not going to do you any harm, and if it makes your experience of the disease more manageable and more positive, then that is a benefit I would like you to have. I don’t like withholding things that work.”
Article on Stuff:
Click here to read - The Lightning Process: Can this controversial programme cure chronic illness? Fiona Fraser, May 09 2021.
Attendee feedback from Jenny's workshops
"I rated this workshop a 10 out of 10. Jenny was outstanding and I left the workshop feeling uplifted, energised and re-enthused. The whole facilitation including admin aspects were thoroughly thought out and facilitated a really great day. The most enjoyable learning experience I have had for a while and that is amazing considering it was via zoom. THANK YOU. :-) " Sharon, Counsellor, Grief Support Services.
"This was a great workshop with lots of great ideas and visual tools to help clients "re-wire" their brains to function in healthier, more life-enhancing ways." Jeff, Psychologist.
"I left this workshop feeling more energised than I have in years. With so many "top take-homes" and new skills learnt, I will be putting into action for both myself and for my clients the 5 steps - for me and encourage my clients to use them too. I will change the things I am saying to my brain and will help clients do the same, and I will create new labels, language patterns and metaphors for myself and help clients do this too". Julie, Manager
"Wow. This was very powerful workshop. Thank you!" Kim, Counsellor.
"Jenny gave a lively, enthusiastic and informed presentation to the group about her practice, and discussed how she came to be a coach after 33 years of being a school teacher. Her work is all about Neuroplasticity and the brain/body connection, and re-training the brain to turn off non-energy through using strategies like positive language to reinforce the positive messages our brains hear. We gained an understanding of the brain’s strong pathways and how this in turn influences the body’s physiology – less pain, less headaches, less abdominal pain. As a school nurse, I for one, now implement the new strategies and tools presented into my assessment criteria for students that present to the Health Centre." Sarah, Registered Nurse.
The following peak bodies and organisations recognise that the training we offer is of a high quality, evidence based and relevant for their members CPD.
Your Presenter

Jenny Oliver
I teach in the field of psychoneuroimmunology – I know it’s a mouthful to say!
After life changing events in my family, I left fulltime teaching in a secondary school to train chronically ill and stuck people in the Lightning Process® training (LP).
I have always loved all things brain – from designing the successful children’s Spring® brain, mind, body programme to teaching those with special needs and neuro divergence. To me, every day brings hope, change and vitality back to those who need to know HOW to use their brains to heal their bodies.
Having completed a full teacher’s practicing certificate, a Batchelors degree in Education and a Masters in Coaching, NLP and Anatomy Physiology from the Phil Parker Training Institute in London, I am an educator, known for my innovative teaching and coaching style, and recognising the potential and possibilities within everyone.
I run workshops across New Zealand and online, and I am passionate about delivering talks on this important topic to a wide variety of institutions and groups. One of the things I love about this training is that the Lightning Process® can be applied into a wide range of programmes and applications - for example: children, parents, teenagers, and women’s health issues.
In my spare time you’ll find me spending time with my family and climbing up any mountain I can find.

The transformation of a Monarch butterfly from chrysalis to being full emerged within a short period of time embodies the philosophy of the Lightning Process® - enabling the recipient of the training to ‘take flight’ and be ready to face the world with a new-found understanding of themselves and empowerment.
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For further details, please contact:
e: faye@grow.co.nz
p: 027 607 3000