LEGO-Based Therapy Facilitator Training

Auckland - 3 April 2025
Wellington - 13 June 2025

If you are waiting on funding approval - we strongly recommend you contact us to pencil book a place as these workshops do sell out.

***SPECIAL OFFER: Contact Faye Johnson for a 10% discount on this event if you are booking both our LEGO workshops. This one and our Therapeutic Use of LEGO®Therapeutic Use of LEGO® workshop ***

Workshops run 9am - 3.30pm

What is LEGO-Based Therapy?

LEGO-Based therapy is an evidence based social skills program developed for people on the Autism Spectrum by Daniel Le-Goff and Simon Baron- Cohen. It has been successfully replicated across the world, and fits well into the New Zealand and Australian context. It is an excellent therapy model for clinicians and professionals with existing skills and knowledge in group theory, clinical reasoning and Autism. 

This therapy model coaches group participants to work as a team, using LEGO® in a structured way to achieve an outcome together as a group. The intrinsic value of LEGO® for the participants means that motivation and volition is naturally high, so learning of the social skills is accelerated. Research has also shown the skills learned in the group naturally transfer well to other settings such as from the clinic setting to the home. 

Please Note: this is LEGO-Based Therapy Facilitator Training NOT the Therapeutic Use of LEGO® workshop - the other workshop we offer which delves into the broader applications of LEGO® for developing social and emotional skills in tamariki and young adults.

Elen Nathan is an Occupational Therapist who has specialised in Sensory Modulation and Autism. This full day workshop also includes how to structure a group using group theory, with tips and tools around using LEGO® for sensory regulation so the sensory needs of the group are met first to ensure all participants are regulated and organised, enabling them to participate in the group to their full capacity. 

Generous Support from The Warehouse
Special Discount voucher to purchase LEGO® from

The Warehouse

We are delighted to again have the generous support from The Warehouse. Each attendee will be able to purchase LEGO® at a significantly discounted rate to set up their school or organisation's own Therapy Group kit

The Warehouse offers LEGO® at some of the lowest prices in NZ, and we encourage you to take advantage of this great offer.

Learning Outcomes:

This workshop is ideal for people working with individuals on the autism spectrum who want to set up and facilitate LEGO-Based Therapy groups.

Elen will introduce delegates to the background of LEGO-Based Therapy and how to run LEGO-Based Therapy for individuals on the autism spectrum. Importance is placed on hands on practice and the adult facilitator’s role in LEGO-Based Therapy. Provided will be step-by-step instructions how to run successful groups in order to promote social skills and collaborative play through a naturalistic setting. Printable resources will also be provided so delegates can start running LEGO-Based Therapy groups after completing the workshop.

The training will come to a close at approx 3 pm and then there will be time for Q & A.

Please Note: this workshop may touch on emotional issues such as grief and/or trauma, and some of the material covered in our workshops may be sensitive or triggering to certain participants. We encourage everyone to practice self-care and either reach out to us, or directly discuss any concerns with our presenter.

What others have said about Elen's presentations

"LEGO - Based Therapy Facilitator Training with Elen Nathan is a must for autistic people wanting to learn to support other autistic people, especially young people. This was the first non autistics-for-autistics space I have ever been in where the facilitator spoke our language, articulated our cultural understanding and had thrown every stereotype about autistics away. This isn't just Lego-therapy facilitator training. It is a safe place for autistics. It is the kind of experience every autistic person deserves to have. It is where I got to hear that the non-autistic community can and does get it, that our gifts and our right to self-determination and leadership are understood and that there is huge room for hope. For once, as an autistic public speaker and educator, I heard the understanding I strive to create in society coming back at me from a non-autistic person in a public forum. I can't describe that feeling. I had no idea how tired I was of being a rare voice.

Go check this training out if you are autistic. Elen is a genuine ally and not afraid to speak our truth. I wasn't even particularly into Lego. But even that has changed! I'm so glad I took a chance - steeling myself for the usual stereotypes and fear of having to listen to my kind of people being discussed like problems to be fixed. It happens so often I have just come to expect it. But not with Elen Nathan. I'm so glad I did this training. Elen rocks it with the performative energy of a visionary
Annie Southern, PhD - The Different Kind of Human Project

"Elen's presentations are always clear and informative. Elen clearly highlights key take-home messages and she often uses different mediums to enhance meanings to her lectures. "   -School Physiotherapist. 

Elen is an engaging, authentic and knowledgeable presenter who took the participants on a learning journey, though excellent slides, evidence based information, experience as a professional and parent and relevant, meaningful video clips”. Wendy - Child Development and Movement Consultant. 

"Elen shared her extensive knowledge through a lively presentation keeping the audience engaged. Warm and approachable, her sharing of personal anecdotes kept it very real for the audience and they connected to this and to Elen herself! We have had immediate requests to run another session with Elen!"

Young Participant Testimonials LEGO- Based Therapy

I wish I could come to LEGO club everyday.” 

I think this is where I belong.”

I love it here, everyone in the club is pretty cool - we talk the same” 

Who Should Attend:

This workshop is suitable for Psychologists, Counsellors, Teachers, Teacher Aides, RTLB's, Speech and Language Therapists, clinical and allied staff, key workers, SENCOs and occupational therapists.

NOTE - If your organisation is interested in having Elen present face-face to between 15 - 39 members of your team, please contact Faye Johnson for more information.

Elen's Other Workshops

Therapeutic Use of LEGO®: Connecting with diverse populations

Connecting with diverse populations: Therapeutic use of LEGO® is an energised, hands-on, one day workshop, filled with practical skills for working with tamariki, young people and adults using LEGO® to support development of social-emotional skills.

This workshop expands on the above workshop - LEGO®-Based therapy, exploring the wider application of LEGO® in developing social emotional skills in tamariki and young adults – including those with language processing difficulties, learning differences, autism, anxiety, trauma backgrounds and applications for family therapy.
You do not need to have completed the Facilitator Training referred to above to attend this training.

Visit the Therapeutic Use of LEGO® workshop website 

**NOTE the Special Offer above for booking both workshops* Contact Faye Johnson for more information.

Understanding Sensory Needs

Sensory processing difficulties are very real, though often hidden or confusing. As a teacher, teacher aides, RTLB, speech and language therapist, SENCO, occupational therapist, psychologist or counsellor, if you feel like typical strategies are not enough, or feel there is a bit more to the concerns you are seeing at school - or in other settings, this day will help you to explore those concerns further and respond to sensory needs in an appropriate and meaningful way.

It will provide an in-depth exploration of the 8 sensory systems, plus an introduction to Neuroception - the bodies sense of safety or danger, examine sensory seeking & sensory avoiding - the patterns to look for and what they mean, what can trigger sensory meltdowns at school, home and the community & how to help effectively, and much more.

Visit the Understanding Sensory Needs workshop website

Interoception & Neuroception. A deep dive into the 8th and 9th Sensory Systems

Interoception is the sense of our internal messages from the body. Feelings of hunger, thirst, fullness, messages from organs like the bladder & bowel to tell us if we need to go to the toilet now, or if we can wait, and messages from our cardiovascular system like an increased heart rate that may indicate stress or excitement are just some of the experiences we might have from our interoceptive sense.

Neuroception is our sense of safety and danger. How we decide if we want to walk down that dark path or not. If we choose to pat the dog we are walking past or not. How we feel safe in someone else's home, our own home, or our classroom.

This workshop is a deep dive into the 8th and 9th Sensory Systems. You will learn supportive relationship-based practices for working alongside people with unique Neuroception and Interoception, based on the principles of trauma informed care, neurodiverse affirming care, and sensory integration.

Visit the Understanding Sensory Needs: Interoception & Neuroception workshop website 

Understanding Developmental Handwriting Challenges

Foundation skills for handwriting, assessment, and fun ways to develop the skills needed for those aged 5-13 yrs.

This training is only available as private in-house workshops and aim to provide an understanding of the foundational skills required for handwriting to develop, how to perform and interpret assessment data to inform interventions, and to explore a range of fun, engaging ways to develop the skills needed for our tamariki to thrive.

One or two-day interactive workshops that will suit educational professionals such as teachers, RTLB, and teacher aids, as well as therapists such as occupational therapists or speech and language therapists working in or with Primary and Intermediate Schools.

Visit the Understanding Developmental Handwriting Challenges training website for more information

The following peak bodies and organisations recognise that the training we offer is of a high quality, evidence based and relevant for their members CPD.

About the Presenter:

Elen Nathan is a NZ registered Occupational Therapist in Napier and is a qualified Sensory Integration Practitioner (Ayres Sensory Integration). With 20 years experience in NZ and abroad working with children and adults who have diverse needs, she has specialised in Autism Spectrum Disorder which has led her to work in peak body organisations including Autism New Zealand, The National Autistic Society (UK) and Autism Victoria (AUS).

Elen is passionate about working with neuro-diverse children to build their self-esteem and self- worth through understanding themselves better, the intrinsic strengths they have, and the gifts they have to offer the world.  

As the Mum of 2 busy young boys, they have taught her that often children come with their own plan and need an understanding team in their corner coaching them through life's challenges. 

Dates & Locations


Thursday, 3 April 2025

Naumi Auckland Airport Hotel
153 Kirkbride Road, Māngere, Auckland

Free parking for all conference delegates.

Workshop times - 9am - 3.30pm, with Registration with Welcome tea & coffee from 8.30am.

Note - the training will come to a close at approx 3 pm and then there will be time for Q & A.

Please be aware this is an interactive workshop and you will be working in groups of 3's.


Friday, 13 June 2025

Naumi Hotel Wellington, 213 Cuba St, Te Aro, Wellington 6011

Parking is available at the hotel for $20.00 per day subject to availability. Please visit reception upon your arrival.
Alternatively, there is paid parking available at Wilson Carparking, Marion Street, 26 Marion Street, Te Aro, Wellington

Workshop times - 9am - 3.30pm, with Registration with Welcome tea & coffee from 8.30am.

Note - the training will come to a close at approx 3 pm and then there will be time for Q & A.

Please be aware this is an interactive workshop and you will be working in groups of 3's.

Price & Registration Information

One Day Workshop
Standard Price - $372.00 inc GST

The price stated is per person.
Contact us a discounted rate if you are booking both workshops or are booking more than 5 attendees. 

Once you have registered, we will be in touch again a week prior to the workshop with further information about the workshop. 

Payment online is by Debit or Credit Card: VISA, Mastercard or American Express only and there are 3 easy steps to complete the online booking process. Our registration platform is hosted by Lil Regie, our NZ based booking agent.

Upon completing your registration by hitting the blue 'Confirm Booking' button, you will receive an automated email from Lil Regie confirming the booking and amount paid by credit card. This will appear on your statement as from LIL REGIE LTD WELLINGTON.

A GST Tax Invoice showing your payment in full will also be emailed to you.

If you have any issues or questions about your booking, please contact Faye Johnson

Can't pay online and require an invoice?

We work hard to ensure that all workshops are cost effective by automating our systems. If your organisation is unable to use our automated booking system and pay by credit/debit card and therefore require an invoice instead to pay by direct bank credit, there will be a $25.00 inc GST surcharge for this, and you will need to supply the following please:

  1. The full organisation name and postal address required to appear on the invoice.

  2. The contact name and email of the person(s) responsible for authorising this expense and approving payment.

  3. Any purchase order references required on vendor invoices.

Please email this information to Brian - and , and along with the Invoice we will also send you a special booking link which will come up as free of charge. Through this link you will need to complete your registration. 

Our workshops fill quickly so if you would like to reserve a place, please contact

What happens if you have to cancel?

We know that sometimes your plans can change for many different reasons. Should you be unable to attend, a substitute delegate is welcome to attend at no extra cost. If a substitute delegate is not available and you need to cancel your registration, please be aware of the following:

Face-Face Events - Up to 7 days prior to the event you will be provided a refund of your registration cost, less a $60.00 inc GST per attendee service charge.

Online Events - Up to 7 days prior to the event you will be provided a refund of your registration cost, less a $20.00 inc GST per attendee service charge.

If you cancel within 7 days of the event, you are not eligible to receive a refund. Please note: should your registration not be paid by the time of the event, you are still liable to make the payment. Unpaid accounts may be passed over to our debt collection agency and additional costs may be incurred. 

All cancellations must be received in writing (email). 

Training is cancellable by GROW with 7 days’ notice if a minimum number of attendees is not met and full refunds will be provided.

Delegates are responsible for their own travel/accommodation bookings and no compensation will be made should the event be rescheduled or cancelled.

For more information see our full Terms of Trade.

Further Details

Further Details

Resources will be emailed to participants prior to the workshop. In line with our sustainability objectives, speaker presentations will not be distributed in hard copy, however attendees are invited to print them off and bring these with them or download them to any device they plan to take on the day.

Arrival tea and coffee, morning tea and lunch are included. Please note we only cater for gluten free, dairy free, vegan and vegetarian dietary requirements.

Commitment to Access and Equity
We are committed to access and equity and endeavour to meet the needs of all delegates. Please contact Faye - / 027 607 3000 if you require special assistance. In order to assist us in understanding delegate needs, please advise your access requirements as early as possible. Request at late notice may not be able to be met.

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For further details, please contact:
p: 027 607 3000